We held a “Stand up to Cancer Bake Off” at Hale Village Hall on Saturday 12th May 2018. Raising over £1,000 for the charity and it brought people together from across Halton and Merseyside to enjoy an evening filled with live music and really great bakes! The illustration below was displayed on the poster - A keen baker making a 'Childe of Hale' cake!

The atmosphere and community spirit throughout the night was great and it is with all credit to the bakers, choir members, young singers and all the volunteers who so generously gave their time and talents to delight us all with their brilliant musical performances and ‘showstopper’ cakes which filled the new Hall!’ The Hale Village Hall has been serving the local community for over 42 years and in 2015 the Hale Parish Council was successful in gaining a Lottery grant for the building of a new hall which was completed in September 2017.